
The Bible is Value!

By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
The Bible is Value, it is a matter of worth, so what is it worth to you?

"So What" you say?

The Bible is Value, it is a matter of worth, so what is it worth to you? 

"So What" you say? 

·      The Bible brings us into the reality of life!  

·      The world is a material temporary entity.  We are being formed for eternity! That is this life is a mere rehearsal for the main performance and its many stays for the life to come.  

·      The Bible is a greater reality than what is seen! 


·      The Bible calls us to faith and accountability in its entirety, and to have faith in it without risk (since our place is already secured in heaven!) and with trust in any situation we encounter. 

·      The Bible is reliable and stands the test of time, so is your trust there or elsewhere?  

·      The Bible is the reliable source of historical information, the record of God speaking! 

·      The Bible is the source for our contact and guidance with our creator!   

·      The Bible is our story, our history, our struggles, our opportunities, our hope and the climax of His plan and redemption.  

·      The Bible tells who we are and what we are, it gives us purpose and meaning, and our response is how we choose to live. 

·      The Bible is our source for life and liberty and happiness! 

·      The Bible is our secure mast on the boat of life, struggling in its way through the storms of the world.  It is our firm foundation, which we need to grip tightly.  

The Bible is not to be a secret, but shared and communicated with power and conviction, because it has been entrusted to us as bearers of, as agents of, and witness of it's truth! 

·      This will give you greater personal conviction, (Phil. 3:10)! 

·      Your life will change, (John 1:1-3)! 

·      Your attitudes will change, (I Cor. 5:9-10)! 

·      You will be pointed in the right direction, (Isaiah 40:31)! 

·      The glory of God will be pointed out to you, (Jeremiah 1:6f)!


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