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We must realize that our being one will take looking to the Lord for help. There will be problems of coordination which must be worked out with patience, with being servants to each other. This will not happen automatically. It will take conscious thought, prayer, and a realistic love not to let our egotisms spoil that which God has given us. I would just say to you there are going to be months, there are going to be times, that you are consciously going to have to realize that there are things that have be worked out in love, and it is imperative that as these things are worked out that the things of personal egotism and personal preference which is not principle would not spoil that which God has given us.
Righteousness comes by Faith in Christ!
It is our goal that you and your congregation is Equipped to be Discipled and Encouraged togrow and develop spiritually. Then help teach others these principles. We specialize in designing these resources to be used by pastors so they can in turn teach others these principles of discipleship.
Devocionales de Resurrección
Is heartfelt Devotion working in you?

Are you an offering to God (Psalm 1:2; Isa. 26:3)? Has the Christian faith impacted all of you, who you are as well as what you do?
How To Be a Christian In the Workplace; and How To Deal With Co-workers.

If you have spent any time in the workplace, you will have observed many different kinds of attitudes, personalities, and ways of approaching the job there. We all have different personalities, habits, desires, experiences, and expectations, all converging and conflicting, and the water cooler area becomes a gathering place for hearing the latest gossip, a hotbed of conflict and chaos. Somehow, in the midst of all this, we, as Christians, are called to distinction. This rubs us against the grain of our coworkers and employers, who have conflicting ideas. The Christian enters into...
How is the Bible different from any other book? Look at the evidence…

If the Bible claims to be the Word of God. It is a special book. This leads to a very personal question...What does it mean to you?
Jesus is Dead!
Had Jesus become a dangerous liberal with new ideas, when he argued against the orthodoxy of his day in the Sermon on the Mount? His "But I say unto you...." condemned what had become their traditional teaching. Even the disciples were stunned. He called little children into his audience. Once he pushed off his own family, mother included, when preaching to the crowd about the kingdom to come.
Are you Willing to Improve Your Preaching? What About Your Words?

When we preach, and whether we use a pulpit or not, we are the "vicars" of Christ on earth-His ambassadors and representatives. In addition, we have been given the stewardship of a special call to proclaim His precepts in truth. In so doing, we are to preach in His power, in clarity, and in genuineness with passion and conviction. And, to top it off, we need to make sure our words are edifying and never condescending or evil. Because, when we preach, we are leading others to Christ.
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