Bible Study Notes

1 & 2 Peter Outline

By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
God's grace and abundant mercy is available to us now and as an inheritance!

1 Peter Outline

Chapter 1: God's grace and abundant mercy is available to us now and as an inheritance!

I. Salutations of greetings, acknowledgments and hope (1:1-2)

II. As Christians we have hope, and assurance, so we can give praise to God for His Grace and Salvation (1:3-12)

a. Gods abundant mercy

b. He is our Living Hope that will not fade away

c. We have salivation available to us and an eternal inheritance

d. Introduction to the running theme of suffering

e. We are kept by God by faith

f. Real, genuine faith is precious to God and will preserve us through trials and life

g. Salvation produces hope and joy

h. Even if we do not see Jesus , He sees us, loves us, and perseveres with us

i. We live in hope

III. Exhortations to live a life of holiness before God (1:13-21, a running theme through 5:11)

a. Keep our mind focused on Christ to help see our hope

b. Conforming our lives to holiness

c. Reverent fear for our Lord

d. His precious blood poured out for us

IV. Live the life of holiness through His Word (1:13-2:3)

a. Obey the Truth

b. The Spirit guides us

c. Love one another

d. Do not be corruptible; rather, be incorruptible

e. Our life here is temporary and preparatory

f. Do not engage in evil; rather, grow in Christ

g. Crave the Word

h. Christ is gracious to us

Chapter 2: We have position in Christ, are chosen, and are a part of a spiritual community!

I. We are chosen, even when rejected by others (2:4-10)

a. We are precious before God even when others hate and come against us

b. We are a part of a spiritual house

c. We are to come to Christ in worship

d. We are chosen in Him

e. We are a holy priesthood

f. We are acceptable before God

g. We are called to praise and proclaim Christ

h. We have mercy in Christ whereas before, in the world, we had no mercy

i. We are the people of God called to do the work of God

j. Our identity is in Christ, not with the world

II. Living Honorably (2:11-12)

a. We are on a journey in life

b. Stay away from lust

c. We are at war with God's desires versus ours

d. Our conduct is to be honoring to God and others

e. All that we do is to be glorifying to God

III. Submission in Social Relationships (2:13-3:13)

a. Be submissive to those in authority

b. Show gentleness and respect to all

c. Do not be harsh; endure harshness

d. Our conscience toward God may beget suffering

e. Jesus is our example of submission

f. Christ suffered for us and is an example of suffering

g. Our Overseer is Christ

h. Submission In family relationships

i. The duty of wives and husbands to respect and love each other in


j. Adornment needs to be from within, not just outwardly

k. Inward beauty, which is our trust and obedience to Him,

is precious to God,

l. We are to exercise care, honor, respect, love, and understanding

Chapter 3: Duty of all is to be serving for God's Glory!

I. Our grace, suffering and service in Him (3:1-12)

a. We are called to be a blessing to others

b. Compassion, love, and courteousness are prime

c. Be mindful of our words and deeds

d. God's eyes are upon us

e. Make Jesus not just Savior but LORD

II. When we suffer for righteousness sake we are blessed (3:13-18).

a. Do not be afraid of others

b. Keep Christ in our hearts

c. Always be ready to defend our faith with love and reason

d. Show the hope we have by adding respect to our words and deeds

e. Others who come against us will be ashamed

f. It is far better to suffer in the will of God than to prosper in evil

III. Christ Himself suffered (3:18-4:6)

a. Christ suffered for our sins

b. He brings us to God

c. He makes us alive

d. The cleansing of baptism

e. Don't waste any more of your life in evil deeds

f. We are called to live in the Spirit

g. Christ is our continual Example

Chapter 4: We are to have the attitude of Christ

I. We live and serve to glorify our Lord (4:7-11)

a. Our conduct and prayers are to be serious

b. Fervent love for one another

c. Love covers sin

d. Practice your spiritual gifts

e. Be hospitable and don't complain

f. Be good stewards

g. Be careful how you speak and minister as we sometimes speak for, and are used by God

II. Watch our conduct because when we suffer, we glorify Christ (4:12-19)

a. Trials are normal and should be welcomed

b. Rejoice in all things, including suffering

c. God's Spirit of glory rests on us

d. Do not get into suffering by your own misdeeds

e. Do not condescend to others

f. Never be ashamed when we suffer, as it glorifies Christ

g. Beware: judgment is still coming

h. All that happens to us, when we are obedient, is the will of God

Chapter 5: Shepherd the flock of Christ with wise conduct

I. Caring for God's people (5:1-4)

a. Serve as Elders with faithfulness and honor

b. Humbleness is essential in leadership

c. Leading is not compulsion; rather, it comes from a willing heart

d. Dishonesty devalues the Kingdom

e. We can trust Christ to lead us

f. Real leaders are real examples

g. Look to the return of Christ for hope

II. Submit to God and resist the devil (5:5-11)

a. Submit to elders

b. Submit to one another

c. Be faithful and humble to God and to others

d. God is the only One to exalt us

e. Cast your care to Him

f. Be sober and vigilant

g. Beware of the Devil and resist him

h. Jesus is our Promise, Strength, and Validation

i. To God be the glory and nothing else

III. Depend on God's grace (5:12-14)

a. The purpose of this epistle is to lead us to trust God

b. We have true grace in Christ

c. Closing salutations

2 Peter Outline

Chapter 1: The Gospel is real, impacting truth

I. Greeting people in the faith (1:1-4)

a. Peter, the dedicated true servant

b. Faith is precious

c. Knowledge of Christ increases our faith and power

d. He gives us precious promises

e. We are called to virtue

f. We partake in Christ

g. We escape the evils of the world

II. Faithful growth in Christ (1:5-11)

a. We have privileges and responsibilities

b. Faith requires our diligence

c. We are called to grow in Him

d. We are called to emulate Christian virtues

e. Our growth has value

f. Our election is proven by our obedience and growth in Christ

g. Do not be shortsighted concerning your faith and the opportunities He brings

III. The main theme of Peter's message (1:12-15)

a. Our lives are temporary

b. We are established by Truth

c. We have a purpose

d. We have a legacy

IV. The prophetic testimony of Peter (1:16-21)

a. Christ is a fact in history and in our lives

b. God's Word is a Light to the darkness of the world

c. Allow His Word to shine in your heart

d. Real prophecy and knowledge comes from God, not our agendas

Chapter 2: The Problem of False Teachers

I. False doctrines are extremely destructive (2:1-3)

a. False teachers will come, or, are already here

b. False teachers like secrecy, and work to undermine the real work of Christ

c. Number of followers is no sign of authenticity

d. They use deception and manipulation

II. False teachers will be judged and destroyed (2:4-11)

a. God did not spare the angels who fell; He will not spare those who live ungodly lives, are self willed, and who refuse His grace

b. Hell is real; you do not want to go there

c. God is loving and will save those He has chosen

d. He will deliver us out of temptation

III. The Characteristics of False Teachers (2:12-17)

a. They are immoral and will be condemned

b. False teachers need to be revealed and dealt with swiftly

c. They love sin and will rationalize that it is OK, enticing others to sin also

d. If not dealt with, they will feast on you

IV. False teachers are deceptive (2:18-22)

a. They may use words to persuade, but, under careful examination, they are empty.

b. They may lure you with sin or corruption, telling you it is liberty

c. It is better not to have known real truth then to know it and then reject it

Chapter 3: God's great promise to keep us in the faith

I. God promises Christ's return to us (3:1-9)

a. Beware of scoffers who deny Christ's return

b. Peter restates his purpose

c. Christ will return

d. There will be a judgment

e. We have no knowledge of God's timing

f. God wants us to repent

II. Christ will certainty return unexpectedly (3:10-13)

a. Do not be ignorant of His promise

b. We are to conduct ourselves with good ethics, honor, and godliness

c. Great signs will take place

III. The exhortation to remain In Christ (3:14-18)

a. Be diligent in looking forward to Christ's second coming

b. What we go through, even suffering, has meaning and purpose

c. Be steadfast in faith and in Christ

d. Do not be led away by error or personal desire

e. Grow in the grace and love of our Lord

f. Benediction

Jude Outline

Chapter 1: The Denouncement of False Teachers

I. Greetings (1:1-2)

II. Admonition to be alert

a. Theme and purpose-contend for the faith (1:3-4)

b. Stay focused on the faith

c. Beware that not all teach correctly

d. False teaching will contaminate you

III. Do not be an Apostate (1:5-11)

a. God will destroy those who do not believe and teach others not to believe

b. Warning against sexual immorality

c. Warning not to reject authority

d. The one authority is Jesus-even for an Archangel

IV. We are not to serve ourselves but serve our Lord (1:12-15)

a. Further warning about sexual immorality

b. Quoting 1 Enoch

V. There will be false teachers (1:16-19)

a. False teachers are apostate and will deceive you

b. False teachers show themselves by their bad character

c. False teachers show themselves by their false flattery

d. False teachers are combated by our focusing on Christ and His precepts

VI. Build yourself up in Christ (1:20-25)

a. Prayer is essential and builds us up in Christ

b. Love builds us up in Christ

c. Mercy builds us up in Christ

d. Compassion builds us up in Christ

e. We have eternal life

f. God keeps us from stumbling

g. Benediction: to God be the glory


© 2005 Richard J. Krejcir Ph.D. Into Thy Word Ministries
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