Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


God's Will Step II: Learning to Develop Praise

By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
When our relationship with Christ is what it should be-THEN we will be in HIS WILL!!! Then we will be able to make good decisions. Then we will understand the road bumps of life, how to learn and grow from them. To be a better servant by being a better child of His.

Learning to Develop a Continuous Expression of Praise 


Knowing what God is about to do is more important than us telling God what we want to do for Him!  


 A love relationship with God is more important then anything we do in our life! 


1.      DEUTERONOMY 19-20; JOHN 3:16; 14:21: Our Christian life is dependent on our love relationship with Christ!


Most of us make our decisions in the midst of struggle and conflict! 


2.      1 JOHN 3:16; 4:10-19; ROMANS 8:35-39: God created us for relationships, especially with Him!


3.      PHILIPPIANS 3:4-14: Being loved by God is the greatest, allowing Him to shape us is the ultimate!


§         Make the right priorities for your life by loving Him!


§         Make regular quiet times with God! 


§         Make praise a lifestyle!


When our relationship with Christ is what it should be-THEN we will be in HIS WILL!!! Then we will be able to make good decisions. Then we will understand the road bumps of life, how to learn and grow from them. To be a better servant by being a better child of His.  


Will you make Christ the main priority in your life, over everything & anything else!!?? 


Q:  How can praising God effect your emotions, your mind, and your spirit? 


Q:  What about THANKSGIVING?


Not the holiday but having a lifestyle of being thankful; gratitude. When I was in 3rd world countries such as México I noticed extreme poverty that we in this county could not imagine. Yet, I saw joy in a mother's eyes, a father happy and proud and children playing with sticks and rocks. I did not see fancy clothes or designer shoes. None of the latest computer games, or a top career. I saw what was important in life. Being in a loving relationship, being in Christ. Even in the midst of pain and waiting. Can we say that in our comfortable homes? Even if we have a decent pair of shoes we are better off than most people in the world! So are you thankful?  


Q: How can you open the hailing frequency between you and God?


4.  JEREMIAH 31:3; HOSEA 11:4 The love of God is focused to the eternal, to firmly anchor us in him forever!


Q: Can you honestly say with all of your being that God loves you? Has it reached your existential core, that is the center of who you are?


Have no doubt God will lead you and feed you!


"No one can come to me (Jesus) unless the father who sent me draws him" John 6:44


5.      ROMANS 3:10-12; JOHN 6:44-65 You cannot know God's will unless He lets you know, and He won't let you know until you follow: It is God who takes the initiative!


 "It is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose" (Philp. 2:13)


6.      MARK 11:24; MATTHEW 7:7-8; Only God has the right to tell you what to do!


To know the will of God more intimately, He will reveal it, as we grow close in our experience with Him!


7.      EPHESIANS 5:17; JOHN 7:17, Do not underestimate God's love for you! The main reason Christians do not commit themselves totally to Christ is they fail to see this!


A lot of people think if they surrender to God's plan, He will send them to Outer Mongolia! This is totally untrue.  He will not send you where you naturally do not desire to go or are not gifted for!!! 


8. PSALM 37:4,The Spirit will direct you by study and meditation of Scripture!


9. PHILIPPIANS 3:13-14, Do not hesitate in  responding to God's direction, because of doubt or fear of making a mistake!


10.EPHESIANS 1:10-11; 3:11, God has a plan for us made before the ages! We have an eternal purpose!


"IT" never works! Only "HE" works!


11.  ACTS 8:26-29; PSALM 32:8, God does communicate to us explicitly!


10. ISAIAH 58:11; PSALM 25, We need to have the assurance!


We must willing to be a servant of Christ, to let Him mold and shape us to His Glory and purpose, and remain in this relationship! 


The three types of God's will: 


1.      REVEALED WILL: God's laws concerning lifestyle and righteous living for all Christians (it is not God's will to ever leave your spouse or start a cult…) 


2.      DETERMINED WILL: That cannot be thwarted or stopped by anything (predestination, it will happen!!!) 


3.      SPECIFIC WILL: God's special plan for each believer (whom we marry, career, and education, etc.) 


John 14:21 God wants our relationship real and personal, and what flows out of it will be purposeful, active and practical!!! 


Practical ways from Scripture to express PRAISE in your walk with CHRIST:  


PSALM 25; 50:6; 66:3, 77:13; 111:3; 121:2; 150; ISAIAH 3:33; ACTS 10:34;

1 CORINTHIANS 1:25; 14:33; HEBREWS 6:18; 13:15; JAMES 1:13; 1 JOHN 1:5:


A.     Be a person who expresses gratitude in all you do regardless of your circumstances: We cannot always control what happens to us, but we can always control our attitude!!!


B.     Do not take for granted your relationship with Christ, always look for the blessings He has given you!!


C.    Praise God even in your difficult issues, even at the cost of your dignity and self worth!


D.    Always give your best in all you do, at work, at school, in your family, etc.!


E.     Know that true praise will cost us, so be willing to pay joyfully; this is what sacrifice is all about!


F.     Be willing to share with others, publicly or privately what you learn in your walk with Christ!


G.    Develop a habit of being a warm person who exerts an attitude of joy and praise!


H.     Focus on giving God the credit, and do not focus on yourselves!


Make sure you communicate to God you never want to be out of His will with confidence!


The will of God for the non-Christian is for them to come to a saving knowledge of Christ! 


We need to know the attributes of who God is.  Knowing who God is, will enable and help us to focus on our trust in and relationship with Christ! Knowing who God is will allow us to praise Him more effectively!


God is All Powerful-Omnipotent! JOB 42:2; JEREMIAH 32:17; MATTHEW 19:26 

God is everywhere-Omnipresent! JEREMIAH 23:24; PSALM 139 

God is All Knowing-Omniscience! PSALM 139; HEBREWS 4:13 

God is Eternal! PSALM 90:2 

God is Spirit! JOHN 4:24 

God is Sovereign! 2 SAMUEL 7:22; ISAIAH 40:25 

God is Holy! ISAIAH 6:3; 1 PETER 1:15-16 

God is RIGHTEOUS! PSALM 89:14; 145:17; 2 THESSALONIANS 1:6-7 


God is LOVE! 1 JOHN 4:8


13.  Meditate on these Scriptures to prepare yourself for the future: Romans 1:10; 15:32; I Corinthians 1:1; II Corinthians 1:1. 


The mark of a spiritual person is seeking to know the will of God which God reveals to us by His 'perceptive' will.  It is up to us to meditate and focus our heart, mind and soul on who God is by his attributes, by our praise to Him, and by the leading of His Holy Spirit, and out of this must come our obedience and righteousness.  We are called to live our lives from the leading of the mouth of God.  What God reveals to us is meant for us to act upon.   


14. Meditate on these Scriptures regarding your obedience in the here and now: I Corinthians 8:5; Colossians 4:12; Ephesians 6:6; Hebrews 10:36; I Peter 4:2; I John 2:17 


Obedience requires dependence, so God can work in us!


12. Scripture contains specific promises of God's guidance for us to make into action.  PSALM 32:8


13. Scripture contains the assurance that if I repent and obey, God will act.  PSALM 25; ISAIAH 58:1; PROVERBS 3:6


14. We can be filled with the knowledge of His will and understanding. COLOSSIANS 1:9; 4:12; JAMES 1:5


Long periods of preparation are NOT a waste of time in God's plan!!!


15. God's guidance is reality and is a promise.  PSALM 119; PSALM 23:3


Do not forget the more knowledge you have, the more responsibility you have to act upon that knowledge


16. 2 CORINTHIANS 3:5-6 Beware of self-sufficiency!


20. JOHN 14:12; 20:21 What are God's requirements?


21. GALATIANS 1:13-18 Paul spent 3 years in preparation and discipleship, before he ventured out!


Q:  How much time do you put into preparation?


    God will guide us and show us His way; our responsibility is to walk in it.  He guides and assures us but without us bending our will and taking a part in it, it will not enfold fully in our lives.  


22.  God calls us not to be foolish with our decisions.  EPHESIANS 5:17


You know the statement, "Wherever you go, there you are."  Well, Jesus calls us to be His followers first and He is calling you to follow for opportunity, for love, for acceptance, for caring, for encouragement, and even suffering. 


23. We must ask ourselves, "Are we willing?"  JOHN 17


Know that God takes the initiative: 


§         We need to do things God's way.


§         God will accomplish more in our lives in one month by following His will than in ten years being out of His will.


§         We need to understand that we are God's servants and we are to adjust our lives to please Him (Philippians 2:13)


24. HEBREWS 11:23-29 What was the secret of Moses' success?


25. JEREMIAH 29:13 What are we to focus on?


26.  HEBREWS 11:6; MATTHEW 18:3 Our faith is a key component to knowing God's will!!!


27. ISAIAH 55:7; MICAH 6:8 Righteousness is what impresses God!!


            Do not neglect the fact that we are beings of relationships.  God first calls us to a relationship with Him, then we are called to be in a relationship with each other, and third, we are called to be in a relationship to those around us.  Since we are beings of relationships, we must have support from one another, seeking love and encouragement is essential in our walk with God's will.  We also need a support team around us.  People willing to hold us accountable. JOHN 31:34-35 


Jesus sought the will of God; this was His driving purpose and concentration throughout His life.  John 5:30 and Luke 9:51. 


Ó 1994, 2001 R. J. Krejcir Ph.D.  


chard Joseph Krejcir, is the Director of 'Into Thy Word Ministries, 'a discipleing ministry. He is also a pastor, teacher, speaker is a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena California and has amounted nearly 20 years of pastoral ministry experience mostly in youth ministry, including serving as a church growth consultant. 

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