Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105

God's Will

Knowing God's Will

Do you want to know the will of our Lord and Savior? What does He want you to do and focus on in your Life? Do you see His will as Hidden? Mysterious? Undeterminable? If so we are here to help you unravel His call for your life!

If you ask the average Christian in the pew and they will concede that they passionately desire to know what God is up to in their lives. They want to know God's plan, His will for their Life. So they can better lead their lives. Yet at the same time they will admit their frustrations in seeking it, that their fears creep in saying they cannot live it. Or that it may be just too hard to find. And if you ask them again what they think that will may be, they will utter several self-doubting answers.
Seeking and searching, in our contemporary language, suggests looking for something that is not there or can't be seen. But, is this what we do when we search for the Will of God? When most Christians say they want God's Will, they may actually want Christ to do their will! So, what is "seeking" about?
So, what do we do?
The solution is simple. Put Christ and His Will first and everything else secondary. When we have our hearts centered upon what is really important, our real purposes and plans begin to function correctly, as our perspectives are in line with God's. The secret to a life of contentment is having the right perspective of our place in the kingdom. What is His Will?

A basic general idea of what does it mean to know the will of God. Seek first the kingdom of God, a general overview of who is the will of God.
Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God present yourselves a living sacrifice to God, holy and acceptable, which is your spiritual act of worship. And do not be conformed any longer to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:1-2

Steps to Knowing the Will of God

Finding God's Will Overview

This essay sets up the series that follows on knowing God's Will.

God's Will Step I: Learning to Surrender your will to God's

We must have the firm desire to surrender ourselves to the will of the Father! However this surrendering we do is not giving up our distinction and personality. It does not make us eunuchs and robots who serve a master out of obligation and employment or out of a predetermined program. It is the refusal to surrender our will that leads us astray and away from His perfect will.

God's Will Step II: Learning to Develop Praise

When our relationship with Christ is what it should be-THEN we will be in HIS WILL!!! Then we will be able to make good decisions. Then we will understand the road bumps of life, how to learn and grow from them. To be a better servant by being a better child of His.

Beware of deceptions and misleading choices! We need to focus on the source; especially those of us who are not experienced in letting God lead us and are easily turned off the path from what seems to be common sense and good opportunities. But these in fact are sometimes tricks of Satan to mislead us and confuse us. Sometimes we misinterpret our own will as being what God's will is. What we think might be the leading of the Holy Spirit may not be from Him at all but just our own selfish inclinations. Our focus needs to be on what God has revealed to us through...

God's Will Step IV: Using the Mind

Using the Mind that God Gave Us! God has given us a wonderful gift in knowing God's Will; our mind! We have the ability to process information and to discern our situation. Yet, this is a difficult task. We tend to like the easy way out which does not involve too much thought. This is a result of our fast paced and fast food society, where we want the burger NOW! And we want our information now too.

God's Will Step V: Taking a Careful Look at our Options

God's wisdom is seen by His grace, which provides us a way out of our sinful nature, by the means of redemption. This was His choice, His decision, for His glory. God works by choosing us and then, God gives us the means to carry out His plan. In knowing God's Will, whatever decision or dilemma you face, relationships, money, career or whatever… you can rest assured that God has an example and advice for you to follow.

God's Will Step VI: Confirmation

Confirmation, How to Follow by Faith. Life seems like putting together a puzzle without looking at the picture on the box. In knowing God's Will we pray and hope we are doing it right, but sometimes its like working in the dark. God's will is a mystery; there is no doubt about it. Mainly because we are not mature enough to handle the truth of what is ahead. If we do know, then we are likely to be cowards and flee! So, God reveals his plan to us slowly, just as you start feeding a toddler. You start slowly and gradually increase in the amount and types of food. Only God knows for sure what our finished life will be like...
Articles on Knowing the Will of God


Decisions! Decisions! & Decisions! In knowing God's Will, each of us faces scores and scores and just a huge amount of choices each day. Confronted by either an employment choice, place to live, who will I marry or which socks shall I wear, we decide from the major to the minor: Yet, most of us have learned there is no easy process to automatically know what God is thinking. Mainly because we clutter our minds with all of our own desires so God's seem to be pushed aside.


Jesus calls us to know and be for Him; that is to be nourished and grow, as a plant is nourished and grows. As a plant sinks its roots deeper into the soil to receive richer nourishment, so to know the will of God we must sink our will into the depth of Christ and yield to His riches and splendor. Our relationship to Christ is not about a way of thinking or a particular theology but it is to Christ Himself.

We are Called to Obedience

Obedience is the foundation of knowing God's will. Without obedience, nothing can happen. For us to be the friend of Jesus, He asks us to, "…lay down our life for His friends…" We must make a conscious decision to give ourselves to Christ. This is not a suicide clause, not at all! What it is about is a life filled with giving wonder and excitement. Yet, it goes against our natural way of thinking and this is where our will collides with God's will. And, we have the choice to obey or face difficulties. So, let us do it with cheerfulness and...

We are Called for Courage!

Courage realizes that God has given us the strength and ability to now Him! Abraham in Genesis 22 faced a crisis, which was interpreting God's will as having to kill his son. Abraham had to learn he had to do anything, no matter what the cost, to be totally dependent and obedient to God, no matter how much it went against his convictions and belief system.

We are called to a Relationship

John 15 is the most beautiful description of our relationship to our LORD. He wants us to be with Him! Just as Christ wanted the disciples along His side, training them, loving them, enjoying their companionship, He wants that of us: love, closeness, and relationship. This is our primary call and the will of the LORD. Everything else falls from this prime directive. He loves me! And wants to be with me! Do we want to be with Him? Do we want that close, loving relationship? Do we want to walk as Abraham walked, building altars?

We are Called to a Purpose

Are you ready to engage into the greatest business opportunity conceivable? Do not assume that to be in God's Will, our lives must be harsh and filled with no fun! God's purpose may be vague; yet, our call is to respond out of our love, which comes from the grace He provided as a result of the guilt of sin!

We are called to Virtue

Virtue is a prime call and aspect of knowing God's Will! Virtue is not the talk of the town these days; in fact it is depicted in our culture as weak and useless. It is the butt of jokes. It is forgotten as part of a perceived bygone era filled with contempt and arrogance. To be a person of character is to be alone and endure criticism by the world and even by some so-called Christians. Virtue calls us higher to a level where few people desire to go, because it is an assault against the self will. It flies in the face what we expect and desire to do and to be.

We are called to, 'just do it!'

We need to put out the effort and do. Rom. 12:1-3 tells us "to present ourselves as living sacrifices holy and pleasing to God…" just like a Marine finishing boot camp and placing himself for duty; so must we place ourselves in His service. We are to offer ourselves daily! Before our feet hit the ground when we get out of bed, our focus is to be in His will! Jesus is our supreme commander, so say "Yes sir, here I am, ready for service!"

I love to talk to missionaries and hear their stories. It gives me a sense of perspective of how God works. I have heard some of the most heart wrenching stories and such great efforts to overcome great difficulties. Stories of a spouse being killed and the other taking over, such as with Elizabeth Elliott and her incredible story of how her husband was speared by South American Indians.

Let God Remove your Pride!

Jesus is to be our center, the reason for our being! And if we keep placing Him first, then we become God's will! Have you considered that pride is in the same category as the 'big' sins of homosexuality, adultery and the like? Perhaps you are shocked? Maybe you never thought through how pride impacts others, or it's impact on our sanctification, or how God feels about it? Well check our Romans 1: 26-32!

More Insights on what the Will of God is all about

This is originally designed for HS Youth on learning to know and follow God's Will. But many adult small groups use this to learn how we can make better decisions and beware of deceptions and misleading choices. God calls us to make wise choices, so what will you do about it? Including a handout to give out…

A fine young Christian man came to see me in my study one afternoon. "I'm faced with some important decisions. I've been reading my Bible and praying but don't seem to be getting any guidance from God. Time is running out on me. I don't know what to do!"

The classic work of 'Saint Alphonsus de Ligouri' 1696- 1787 "Perfection is founded entirely on the love of God: 'Charity is the bond of perfection;' and perfect love of God means the complete union of our will with God's." The essence of perfection is to embrace the will of God in all things, prosperous or adverse. In prosperity, even sinners find it easy to unite themselves to the divine will; but it takes saints to unite themselves to God's will when things go wrong and are painful to self-love. Our conduct in such instances is the measure of our love of God.

JESUS ' Model to Know God's Will
Experience of the Father's trustworthiness! His ultimate answer, His resurrection, ascension, and outpoured spirit...

"Seek first the kingdom of God…"  Matthew 6:33-34

Asking the question, what does God want me to do, is the starting point, and the focus of the will of God!

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