Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


Into Thy Word Ministries Presents:

"How to Study the Bible" Seminars

"Into Thy Word" Seminars are designed for you to learn how to study and get the most out of God's Word, the Bible.

They are for new Christians and seasoned pastors whose desire is to get more out of the Bible. They are, in fact, for anybody who loves the Lord at any level of faith development. They are also for anyone who truly desires to improve their relationship with Christ, of course, this should be what we all desire!. We can do this because we hold them in a workshop format, so you learn at your own pace or level. Therefore, you won't be sitting through a boring monotonous "lecture style" seminar, as you did when you where in school.

We produced a unique easy to learn "hands on" training workshop for you so you can dive into the depths of Scripture. For the express purpose of improving your devotions and Bible study results and in turn improving your relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

We want you to get the most out of your Bible reading, whether it is to enhance your devotions or sermon preparations, we challenge you to develop a fresh approach to studying the God's Word. We hold a very high view of the Bible, as it is God's only authoritative means of communication to us. And you can learn how to improve your relationship with Him or to rekindle it. We are here assist you in deepening your relationship with Him, after all it is the purpose of our existence in this life.

We teach you how to effectively study the Bible through what is called the "Inductive Bible Study Method". We will show you how to break down the text so you can understand it better. To observe it, learn, interpret it, and then apply it to your life. Like learning how to take apart a car so you can learn how to fix it. But with the Bible, it is not broken; however, sometimes our means of understanding the Bible "feels" broken. We also teach you about the different types of literature in the Bible; history, law, epistles, poetry, prophesy, and parables. So you can avoid what is called 'exegetical fallacies,' which means making errors of interpretation.

We strive to make each participant in our seminar as a guest in God's presence, because you are. So you will be encouraged to be comfortable and confident with who you are in Christ, so when you read the entire Bible, even Leviticus you will learn who you are in His presence. And the confidence you have is because of what He did for you. Then your excitement will grow along with your faith and commitment!

This is what you will Learn:

· How to 'Observe' a passage, so you know what is going on, and how to clarify it, so that the Bible comes alive, as if it is your very own story, as if you are there!

· How to break down (Exegete) Bible passages, by isolating the various ideas and precepts.

· How to Outline the ideas and points in a clear and logical way.

· How to 'Interpret,' and find out what the passage means, by developing effective Bible study tools.

· How to then apply those truths to your life.

· How to teach those truths to those around you.

· How to develop 'Charts' to record what you learn from the Bible for easier learning, going over what you have learned in the past, making you a more effective teacher.

· How to develop Bible Study Questions.

· Then, how to teach the Bible in a clear and exciting way so others can get the most out of it and follow its precepts.

· You will also learn the importance of Bible study making your devotions come alive, why Christians disagree, tools and resources to make your task easier and much more exciting!

We have two types of Seminar Workshops Preparatory
This workshop is a "Weekend Workshop". We usually start on Friday evening and go from 7p.m. to 9 p.m. and then all day on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (9 learning hours). Friday is a general overview where we introduce you to the process of "Into Thy Word" and Saturday is the workshop where we dig into it step by step. We do cover a lot of material, and it is fast paced; however we have a very well written seminar booklet that contains all that you have learned, so you can go back and put it into practice.

This is a Five (5) day workshop that goes Monday thru Friday from 6- 9 p.m. (15 learning hours). It covers all that the preparatory workshop covers in a more in-depth format. In addition we cover how to prepare Bible Studies and Sermons.

· We teach these seminars all over the world (in a much longer format of course), especially in countries (Russia is our principle target) where pastors are poorly trained.

· We also are able to offer these seminars at camps and conferences, we have several flexible formats.

Who Needs to Attend?

· Anyone who is a Christian and truly desires to grow in Christ. They are for you, whether you just desire to improve your daily Bible reading or if you lead a large Bible study and have a Ph.D. in theology, this seminar is for you!

· Sunday School teachers, Bible Study leaders, and Pastors fill most of our seats; however we encourage all to attend. Most of our seminars are Junior High students through elderly adults from all walks of life and occupations learning together!

How do I get involved in one of these Seminars?

· Our Seminars are available upon request.

Most of our seminars are held and sponsored by local churches all over the United States. If you have a group of twenty five (25) or more, contact "Into Thy Word Ministries" and we will e-mail or send you our scheduling packet. We occasionally do larger seminars in the L.A. area in hotel conference rooms and at denominational conventions. We can do one for you. Most cities have ministerial associations that can sponsor a seminar of this magnitude or your denomination or district.

Into Thy Word Ministries may be available to come to your church, association, or group to conduct a seminar. We have seminars tailored for High School students, adults, and many others. You may also contact our office through e-mail to see if there are any seminars already scheduled in your area.

How much do the seminars cost?

Into thy Word Ministries is a non-profit Ministry we do need to 'charge' for our seminars to cover our cost. In the past we held them for free and took 'love offerings' and we nearly went bankrupt! So we now ask for a donation from each participant. The donation is usually $35 for the weekend seminar and $60 for the intensive seminar per person depending on the location. In addition we expect the group to cover the transportation and housing costs of our seminar leader. Some churches pay the cost by giving us a donation or monthly support and offer it to their flock for free.

What are your Qualifications/ How did you get your start?

Into Thy Word Ministries was founded in 1978 with the start of our seminars and our booklet titled "How to Study the Bible" which was published as a book in 2000, "Into Thy Word." It was then incorporated as a full time ministry in 1988 with our interactive web site ministry. Our founder has been teaching these seminars in various forms for 30 years.

Shortly after becoming a Christian in 1978, our founder, Richard J. Krejcir began a Bible study for a 'Young Life' campaigners group on how to study the Bible. He became frustrated that all of the books were so complicated that the average person was unable to understand them. Or they were too basic and provided little helpful information to teach Christians about going deeper into the Word and their faith. It was, and still is his desire and call to learn how to get the most out of the Bible.

He found the Bible difficult to understand and confusing, and knew that God was not a God of confusion, so he sought better ways to understand His Word. He felt there were few subjects more important than how to study God's Word. He was further frustrated that few Christians felt as he did. Thus he spent the next 20 years researching the best ways to teach and study the Bible. He went on to college, graduate school and then seminary. He became a pastor and speaker and taught these inductive Bible study methods to thousands of people over the years.

Our ministry founder has also spent a lifetime overcoming learning disabilities and dyslexia with a passion for the Word. He has found ways to learn that others too can use to better study His Word.

During his research over the years he has interviewed dozens of great Bible expositors to find their "secrets" for preaching and writing about the Bible. These people include Francis Schaeffer, Charles Swindoll, R.C. Sproul, Chuck Smith, John MacArthur, J. Vernon McGee, Warren Wiersbe, Walter Martin and many others. Other great men too have been researched through their disciples and writings. Such as Charles Spurgeon (through his book "Lectures to my Students) and Donald Grey Barnhouse (through his disciple Walter Martin) and many others.

Of course there are no "secrets"; these men just found ways to dig out more information than others were able to do with the same Bible. He wanted to find out 'how' they did that. He took all he learned through seminary and his research and then began to teach others what he learned himself. Because of his learning disabilities he was concerned about how people learn, and also incorporated learning techniques (see About Into Thy Word) into his seminars. He kept researching, getting feedback, refining and producing these seminars.

All these ideas and outcomes where carefully combined with proven inductive Bible study methods. Then after years of teaching these techniques they were refined, reworked, and condensed to produce the book, "Into Thy Word"; and finally launched the international, "Into Thy Word Ministries".

Our presenters have a passion for His Word, they are seminary students, pastors and/ or experienced Bible teachers. They are trained and have a carefully prepared organized and orchestrated script.

What is Ahead?

· We are in the process of putting together this seminar for teaching over the internet through a 'chat type' format.

· We have had in the past, tapes you can buy, but they lose the effect that the workshop facilitates. So we are re-producing this into a correspondence type course.

· Would you like to become a seminar presenter? Let us know we have periodic training in the Pasadena, Ca area.

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A Bible reading checklist in "Excel" that keeps track of your progress with all kinds of cool graphs and tracking features along with stats on words, verses, encouraging facts, etc. This is also a fund-raising opportunity for us that we think could be a successful addition to your church or ministry spiritual arsenal.
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