Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


Ezine for the Week of December 7, 2009

By ITW Staff
Providing Effectual Biblical Resources for Churches, Ministries, Pastors, Sunday School, Youth and Small Group Leaders!

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Growing in Christ is the key to growing a faith, a family and a fellowship!



It is Bible Reading Plans Season!



We need your help!





We are a ministry making a difference for the Kingdom of God, and... We need you!



New Funding Project!




To build a research, training and study center, community and a base of operation for over ten ministries! Using a large house for the center, guests and offices (L'Abri) and an apartment complex that will be used to fund the operational costs of this mission.

Can you partner with us to make this happen?



You can help us to provide free quality Biblical resources to over 5,000 people each day all over the world. We are teaching thousands of pastors in over 80 countries, and we are greatly under funded. Unlike other ministries, we do not charge for our materials or ask for remuneration.



Research Highlights



When do young people become Christians?






More research and insights from Schaeffer himself




We Need Your Partnership! Why?


What happens when you support us?


Your gift is not only supporting us to do ministry, but you partner with us to come along side to do real ministry to other pastors too. You help those in ministry who have no means to go to higher education or receive seminary level educational resources or the means to pastor their flock effectively.










Into Thy Word Ministries

Family of Websites




 Weekly Bible Study



 Jesus Teaches at the Feast!




The Meaning of Advent, "Advent" simply means coming as in Christ is coming, and for us now He has arrived. This is referring to His birth in history and in humanity.


John & more Bible Studies archives






Monthly Bible Study Article



Of Faith and Doubt: Part II


How one can overcome the fears, worries, hurts, and doubts of life and have more faith! We have three passages that deal with storms, being tossed in the sea of life, and confusion, dealing with issues of faith and doubt before a loving God who rescues us






Christianity is not just the proclamation of the Gospel; it is also the example of the Gospel!


Monthly Leadership Article



Developing a House Church - Part II


We are called to preach the Gospel not lose it in some institution.






Christmas Themes




Are you so caught up in the events and planning of Christmas that you have forgotten the "Christ" and the "mass," which means we are to worship and venerate Him? Most of us do forget, perhaps not intentionally, because of all our busyness and neglect.




All found here: Seasonal Bible Studies




What on the "Blogs" this Week?












This and Next Weeks Bible Reading Schedule


















Acts 23-24

Deuteronomy 26-28

Nehemiah 10-13

Psalms 143-145

Song of Sol 3-4

Revelation 7-11

II John


Acts 25-26

Deuteronomy 29-31

Esther 1-5

Psalms 146-148

Song of Sol 5-6

Revelation 12-17

III John



Our Main Books









How to Study the Bible!






We Need your Help! Every small bit of help, helps us serve our Lord!




It is our VISION and call, and commitment to point the church back onto the path of making disciples. It is our passion and directive to lead Christians away from our false perceptions and into His way.


Help us help them, help us help you!


Church Growth Tip of the Week


The church should strive to be effective. The best way to do this is by following the precepts of Scripture. We can organize the church by mobilizing the people according to their Spiritual Gifts! So few churches do this, even though it is so Scripturally clear! (Romans 12)


Prayer Guide for your Church and Pastor!


Pray for discernment in exposing any plans of the enemy against your Church or attacking your pastors and staff. Ask Christ to protect us as we wage spiritual warfare against the enemy on behalf of our Church (Eph. 6:11-12, 16; Col. 2:6-8; 1 Pet. 3:12).




Last Week's Bible Study Lessons






Opportunities to Help us Out...



Please consider Into Thy Word for your giving...


Like this newsletter, would you like to see it kept going? Well, we need someone, as a volunteer, to manage, improve and produce it each week, pray for this…let us know...


We need people to review our books online such as at Amazon


Can you help us out on this? This will help others get to know our resources better.



We as a ministry have a wonderful opportunity before us and we need your partnership and or an advertiser!



Advertisement: Get more from life!


Enjoy more energy, more vitality and help support our ministry! All of us at ITW use these products and they work!


Did you know: It costs us over $1,000 a month to be hosted for our websites; you can help us out by sponsoring our hosting just by $35 that will pay for a day, or $250 that will pay fora week or $1,000 that will pay for a month...



We cannot do this vital ministry without you!


We are here to help equip and encourage you to grow deeper in your walk with Christ and impact others around you!



Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies...

John 11:25


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1978-2008+, Thirty Years of Ministry, Praise God!


Providing Effectual Biblical Resources for Churches, Ministries, Pastors, Sunday School, Youth and Small Group Leaders!

 Into Thy Word incorporated as a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization and depends on gifts and contributions from friends and donors.



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New: Year End Repot




We have a wondrous new tool to help you in your Bible reading efforts!
A Bible reading checklist in "Excel" that keeps track of your progress with all kinds of cool graphs and tracking features along with stats on words, verses, encouraging facts, etc. This is also a fund-raising opportunity for us that we think could be a successful addition to your church or ministry spiritual arsenal.
Buy Now
We need your Partnership!
We are a ministry making a difference for the Kingdom of God, and...
A great way to raise funds for our ministry and you can make money too!
It is a community of committed believers serving the Lord in a center for research and practicum.
New Funding Project! RealEstateProject.pdf
ITW Radio Opportunity We as a ministry have a wonderful opportunity before us and we need your partnership!
Growing in Christ is the key to growing a faith, a family and a Fellowship!
Schaeffer Institute
Mission America Coalition
Bible Reading Plans
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