Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


Ezine for the Week of June 25, 2012

By ITW Staff
Growing in Christ is the key to growing a faith, a family and a fellowship!
Growing in Christ is the key to growing a faith, a family and a fellowship!

Our Main Books
It is our VISION and call, and commitment to point the church back onto the path of making disciples. It is our passion and directive to lead Christians away from our false perceptions and into His way.
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1978-2008+, Over Thirty Years of Ministry, Praise God!
Into Thy Word Ministries
Family of Websites
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 Monthly Bible Study Article

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. Matthew 57-9

We can model the character of Christ by the faith we show in our obedience to His Word. What we see in Christ is our model of how we integrate or relate to people with whom we have relationships. Being a peacemaker may not stop a war between nations, but it will stop the wars in our churches. We may not stop the violence in the streets, but we can create an environment of love and care that can provide an atmosphere of cooperation and care that will lead to a non-violent neighborhood. We have the God-given ability to be peacemakers to those around us. This is not a special spiritual gift or ability, although some people are naturally better at it than others. However, all Christians have this ability and call. The prerequisite is to have personally made peace with Christ and with our inner turmoil. When we have composure in our emotions and the passion to follow Christ, the resulting fruit will be that of a peacemaker. This ability will nullify the war-torn church, enabling it to be a God-centered church that is a beacon to its neighbors.

We need to identify our desires and compare them to the Word of God through a life that is centered on devotion and prayer. Then we can surrender what is misleading and faulty and engage our call to lead and manage a church with His Fruit and Character. By having a prayer-centered life, we can mend brokenness with the fruits of a renewed character.

Why we are called to be A Shepherd?
The key to being a good shepherd, to being a good church leader and effectual pastor, is the very principle of importance we so often forget as it is the simplest call--look to Jesus.
Weekly Bible Study

The Character of Love

Love desires to seek and apply what God has to say.

The Character of Joy

Joy will allow us to enjoy our relationship with Christ

Allowing tranquility to be our tone and control our composure.
The Character of Patience

Patience is showing tolerance and fortitude 

More new ones at http//

A good leader sets their lead from Jesus the Good Shepherd!

Monthly Leadership Article
God calls us to seek His presence, as a body of believers with one mind and voice, so why don't we? And if we do get together, it is all about us and our individual needs and desires, which is good as long as we include others and go beyond our own backyard. So we need to find the excitement of communing with our Lord and doing it with each other. We are to focus on the Lord and not ourselves.

When we desire to have a church that is after God's purpose then prayer will be at the heart and core of it. The church cannot function without prayer. To have a church that does not pray is like having a telephone operator who refuses to use the phone or the computer programmer not using a computer in their occupations. Sounds like foolishness? Well a lot of churches do not pray, in fact if you carefully inspect churches as I have over the years, you will be shocked on how little prayer actually goes on, or that prayer is wispy and scarce.

Growing in Christ is the key to growing a church!

What is going on? See our ministries Newsletter!

We have a new Book!
It is about small groups, all you need to know and have to start, lead and build them or God's glory. Over 30 years of research and experience went into it.

We have a new Group!
We used them for our sites, and we are # 1, 2 and 3 in Google, and this page...results are awesome!

Social media is what your business or ministry needs to stay relevant to enhance its brand awareness, customer relationships, marketing prowess, and overall web presence. We can help you with that!

Need a great Bible Reading Plan?

Reading through the Bible, along with prayer is the essential way to grow in Christ!

Checkout these Bible Reading plans (see the bottom of this page for the "pdf" and "Word" printable ones!)

(see the bottom of this page for the "pdf" and "Word" printable ones!)
We have a wondrous tool to help you in your Bible reading efforts!

Please keep in mind and prayer that we and our ministry are in need! We are experiencing our own recession, but we are trusting in God's provisions and blessings as we seek to know and serve Him better.

Church Leadership and Prayer Tip of the Week
Ideas to consider: (Romans 12:18 ; 14:18 -19; Ephesians 4:3; Hebrews 12:14 )
Have a system of pastoral care to train your staff and leaders to immediately respond when they hear of a church member, especially another leader (most churches neglect their leaders, thinking they are OK and do not need anything!) or someone in their family with a pastoral need or emergency. Assign a key person to be in change by 24-hour shifts. Have a contact list and trained deacons or care workers to be ready to act when the need arises. No one is self-maintaining. We all need support and care! Make sure you have caring people to be there in a timely manner! (1 Corinthians 13:1-8; Colossians 4:5; 1 Timothy 3:14-15; Hebrews 12:14-15)
Pray that your church can be a community of grace and forgiveness, that your church has an atmosphere of encouragement by being grateful for Christ's work in them that enables the congregation to be inspired to give genuine hospitality to all who come though your doors (Rom. 15:4-6; 2 Thess. 2:16-17).

There is no question - we are serving our Lord Jesus Christ because of your prayers, support and partnership, Thank-You!

We need your help!
We have a $150K shortfall, and we need your partnership to make our obligations and keep this ministry going!

This and Next Weeks Bible Reading Schedule
Start of the year right, missed Jan 1st? No problem, our plans do not have dates, go at your own timing...


















Luke 13-14

Leviticus 4-6

I Kings 14-18

Psalms 72-74

Proverbs 5-6

Ezekiel 7-12

Ephesians 4-6


Luke 15-16

Leviticus 7-9

I Kings 19-22

Psalms 75-77

Proverbs 7

Ezekiel 13-18

Philippians 1-2


Luke 17-18

Leviticus 10-12

II Kings 1-5

Psalms 78-80

Proverbs 8-9

Ezekiel 19-24

Philippians 3-4


Luke 19-20

Leviticus 13-15

II Kings 6-10

Psalms 81-83

Proverbs 10

Ezekiel 25-30

Colossians 1-2

Our Bible reading chart is sent to you 1 and 2 weeks ahead...

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We cannot do this vital ministry without you!

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Ephesians 6:4

Providing Effectual Biblical Resources for Churches, Ministries, Pastors, Sunday School, Youth and Small Group Leaders!
Into Thy Word incorporated as a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization and depends on gifts and contributions from friends and donors. © 2012

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A Bible reading checklist in "Excel" that keeps track of your progress with all kinds of cool graphs and tracking features along with stats on words, verses, encouraging facts, etc. This is also a fund-raising opportunity for us that we think could be a successful addition to your church or ministry spiritual arsenal.
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It is a community of committed believers serving the Lord in a center for research and practicum.
New Funding Project! RealEstateProject.pdf
ITW Radio Opportunity We as a ministry have a wonderful opportunity before us and we need your partnership!
Growing in Christ is the key to growing a faith, a family and a Fellowship!
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